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- INFO-HAMS Digest Sun, 15 Oct 89 Volume 89 : Issue 769
- Today's Topics:
- Aircraft headsets (2 msgs)
- ARRL Membership?
- Back to Part 15 (was Re: Unrestricted access (was Re: Part 15))
- Bandwidth grudgingly given
- Does It Matter How Thick Antenna Wire Is?
- Heathkit name change?
- Info wanted: IC-275
- PL259 connector assembly
- Thoughts from a prospective ham
- TUVA SSR on 15M (RA0/UA9YX)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 14 Oct 89 20:12:25 GMT
- From: ncrlnk!pmday_2!steve@uunet.uu.net (Steve Bridges)
- Subject: Aircraft headsets
- In article <353@foobar.hf.intel.com> jim@foobar.UUCP (Jim Garver) writes:
- >Where can I get electret mic elements that are noise cancelling?
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Well, Sporty's Pilot shop in Batavia/Cincinnati sells the David Clark
- M-4 electret mike separate from headsets. I used one to upgrade my
- DC H10-30 headseat with a dynamic mike when I started flying twin-engine
- aircraft. I believe that the cost of the mike is about $75-100.
- The electret mike (IMHO) does offer superior noise cancellation over
- dynamic mikes.
- >The boom mic headset that Yaesu has for the FT-727 is lousy for
- >aircraft use and mobile with the car window open. I see that some
- >of the aircraft headset manufacturers have noise cancelling electret
- >mics, but they want quite a bit for these. Do these electret mic
- >elements have a back opening to the diaphram? I wonder how they do
- >it since all the electret elements I have seen are tiny sealed cans.
- >Just what is an electret mic, anyway? Is it a condenser or a
- >piezo element?
- Don't know. The M-4 mike is in a little green container. The size of the
- actual mike element is about 1/4" in diameter, and the end of a green
- rectanguler box holder which fits at the end of the headseat boom. There
- are little grills on both sides of the element, one side labeled talk.
- There is a small cord, labeled on one side "Nexus" and in the other side
- "U-173/U".
- I don't know if this will work with your Yaesu headseat.
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- | Steve Bridges | e-mail: |
- | NCR Corporation -- USDPG Product Marketing | Steve.Bridges@dayton.ncr.com |
- | and Support Office Level Systems | ..!ncrlnk!pmday_2!steve |
- | 1334 South Patterson Blvd | (513)-445-4182 |
- | Dayton, OH 45479 | 622-4182 (VoicePlus) |
- |_____________________________________________|______________________________|
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Oct 89 22:05:41 GMT
- From: tank!eecae!cps3xx!usenet@handies.ucar.edu (Usenet file owner)
- Subject: Aircraft headsets
- In article <353@foobar.hf.intel.com> jim@foobar.UUCP (Jim Garver) writes:
- >Do these electret mic
- >elements have a back opening to the diaphram? I wonder how they do
- >it since all the electret elements I have seen are tiny sealed cans.
- One technique that could be used is to employ two microphones. One mic
- faces the speakers mouth, and the other faces outward. The two signals
- are fed into a difference amplifier, and since the noise is about the
- same on both sides of the mic, but the speakers voice is much greater on
- one side, cancellation is achieved.
- In the rare case that original ideas Kenneth J. Hendrickson N8DGN
- are found here, I am responsible. Owen W328, E. Lansing, MI 48825
- Internet: hendrick@frith.egr.msu.edu UUCP: ...!uunet!frith!hendrick
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Oct 89 21:52:03 GMT
- From: deimos.cis.ksu.edu!harris.cis.ksu.edu!mac@rutgers.edu (Myron A. Calhoun)
- Subject: ARRL Membership?
- In article <31195@cci632.UUCP> dvh@cci632.UUCP (David Hallidy) writes:
- >In article <6795@ttidca.TTI.COM>, sorgatz@ttidca.TTI.COM ( Avatar) writes:
- [many lines deleted for brevity]
- >This posting basically says it all in a nutshell. The sad thing is, we
- >can write all day long to K1ZZ, BUT HE WON'T ANSWER....
- Please don't be too hard on K1ZZ. I wrote him once (on an
- entirely UNrelated matter) and received an answer fairly promptly.
- --Myron
- --
- Myron A. Calhoun, PhD EE, W0PBV, (913) 532-6350 (work), 539-4448 (home).
- INTERNET: mac@ksuvax1.cis.ksu.edu
- BITNET: mac@ksuvax1.bitnet
- UUCP: ...{rutgers, texbell}!ksuvax1!harry!mac
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Oct 89 22:01:33 GMT
- From: tank!eecae!cps3xx!usenet@handies.ucar.edu (Usenet file owner)
- Subject: Back to Part 15 (was Re: Unrestricted access (was Re: Part 15))
- In article <9886@cadnetix.COM> rusty@cadnetix.COM (Rusty Carruth) writes:
- >In article <686@noe.UUCP> marc@noe.UUCP (Marc de Groot) writes:
- >I was down at Pace (kinda like Price Club, if you know what that is)
- >yesterday and saw something which really worried me.
- > "AT&T Cellular Style Walkie-Talkies"
- >There was no mention of what freq they used.
- >There was no mention of how much power they radiated.
- >I'm worried about what freqs these things are on.
- These are probably on the 49 and/or 46 MHz band. There are 10
- frequencies allocated for cordless phones. Walkie-Talkies can use 5 (I
- think) of these frequencies. I also think they are NBFM. They won't
- bother you unless you are on 6m.
- In the rare case that original ideas Kenneth J. Hendrickson N8DGN
- are found here, I am responsible. Owen W328, E. Lansing, MI 48825
- Internet: hendrick@frith.egr.msu.edu UUCP: ...!uunet!frith!hendrick
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Oct 89 18:20:00 GMT
- From: ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!phil@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu
- Subject: Bandwidth grudgingly given
- > Along those same lines, I drove cross country last year on an 8500
- > mile trip and found that once you are not in a Metro area, the CB channels,
- > and I mean litterally all the channels, go silent.
- Something must be wrong with the front end of your receiver. Granted there
- are definitely some dead spots in the country, but I live outside of the
- major metro areas and the channels are still quite crowded. It depends on
- where you go. Here in Urbana-Champaign, I hear usually 5 or 6 active CB
- channels during an evening. When visting my parents in West Viginia in a
- town of 6000 people, there are often 12 or more busy channels. Incidently
- there is more two meter repeater activity there as well.
- --Phil howard-- <phil@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
- -.-- . ... - .... .. ... .. ... -- -.--
- .-.-.- ... .. --. -. .- - ..- .-. . ..-. .. .-.. .
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Oct 89 06:58:58 GMT
- From: att!pacbell!hoptoad!peora!tsdiag!ka2qhd!w2vy@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Thomas A Moulton RATS Clifton NJ)
- Subject: Does It Matter How Thick Antenna Wire Is?
- The only time you should be real concerned about the diameter of the wire
- is when the Length is Short (Like above 50 Mhz, and for sure over 500 mhz)
- You see there is a factor is the electrical length that is based on the
- Length to Diameter ratio, if the diameter is large the antenna will be
- broader and shorter, but on HF you don't need to worry about it much...
- For an HF antenna I would not worry about it, except for making sure
- it is strong enough to withstand the weather...
- I usually use 12 or 14 gauge Copper Weld (Copper coated steel)
- and remember the wire does not have to be taunt!
- Now if you were to use 2-4 wires with spacers about 3-4 inches apart you
- could have a nice broad antenna for a good chunk of 80M...
- (That's the wires are 3-4 inchea apart, at rf it would look like a solid
- pipe...)
- 73
- --
- Life is too short to be mad about things.
- Thomas A. Moulton, W2VY Packet: w2vy@kd6th Voice: 145.190 (r)
- (201) 478-7919 uucp: rutgers!petsd!tsdiag!ka2qhd!w2vy
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 Oct 89 22:08:08 GMT
- From: att!cbnewsl!hawk@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (james.p.hawkins)
- Subject: Heathkit name change?
- In article <3863@cbnewsc.ATT.COM>, parnass@cbnewsc.ATT.COM (Bob Parnass, AJ9S) writes:
- >
- > Now that Zenith is selling its Heath business to Clendes Machines Bull,
- > will Heathkit become Bullkit? :-)
- > --
- > ============================================================================
- > Bob Parnass, AJ9S - AT&T Bell Laboratories - att!ihuxz!parnass (312)979-5414
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Oct 89 19:04:50 GMT
- From: att!cbnewsc!parnass@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Bob Parnass, AJ9S)
- Subject: Info wanted: IC-275
- In article <30500234@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>, phil@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu writes:
- >
- > I'd like to find out some info about the Icom IC-275:...
- I own an Icom IC-275H and have been happy with it, using it
- mainly for FM and listening in and out of the 2 meter band.
- The dozen or so SSB QSOs I've had using it has shown it a good
- performer in that mode, too.
- As received from the factory, the IC275 receives 138-174 MHz.
- Reception within the ham band is very good. However,
- I have noticed a difference in reception performance when
- listening outside 2 meters. You can hear the level
- of the background noise go down as soon as you tune beyond
- the ham band. It's a discrete type of change so I assume
- they are switching something, like a band pass filter.
- I think different sythesizer circuitry may be used outside the band
- also.
- Outside 2 meters, the reception is sensitive enough for the
- type of listening I do, but the 275H is prone to images above
- 148 MHz -- seemingly a bit more than my old Bearcat 300s, for
- example.
- I have not modified the 275H to transmit outside 2 meters so
- I can't offer information about such a modification, nor about.
- the computer interface either.
- You might want to consider installing the high stability oscillator
- option, although I have not.
- My 275H receiver will change frequency about 1.6 - 1.8 kHz during the
- first hour or so after initial power on. The drift is slow, so one
- would not normally be aware of it except:
- 1) the discriminator meter shows off center reading,
- and more importantly
- 2) the memory scan function will skip active channels
- because the "window detector" circuit thinks
- the signal is too far off frequency to be
- valid.
- Fortunately, the RIT control can be easily used to compensate
- for the difference. By the way, the memory scan is very fast.
- When I bought my 275H, the reference oscillator was aligned
- perfectly for operation when the rig was first powered on.
- I realigned the oscillator after a 1 hour warmup instead.
- I compared the Kenwood TS-711A, the Icom 275A/H, the Yaesu
- FT726R, and FT736R before buying the Icom and would make
- the same choice over again.
- --
- ============================================================================
- Bob Parnass, AJ9S - AT&T Bell Laboratories - att!ihuxz!parnass (312)979-5414
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Oct 89 18:25:00 GMT
- From: ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!phil@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu
- Subject: PL259 connector assembly
- > Amphenol lists two different adapters for the PL-259 in thier catalog:
- >
- > UG-175 -- RG-55,58,141,142 (.209" I.D.)
- > UG-176 -- RG-59,62,71,140,210 (.257" I.D.)
- >
- > They list nothing for RG-8/X specifically. In the back of my mind I
- > seem to recall that Radio Shack had an adapter that would handle RG-8/X
- > but I could be mistaken. My Belden catalog lists RG-8/X as having an
- > O.D. of .242", so it looks like the UG-176 adapter should accomidate
- > it.
- Yes, the UG-176 works. RG-8/X has basically the same O.D. as RG-59.
- --Phil howard-- <phil@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
- -.-- . ... - .... .. ... .. ... -- -.--
- .-.-.- ... .. --. -. .- - ..- .-. . ..-. .. .-.. .
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Oct 89 07:08:05 GMT
- From: att!pacbell!hoptoad!peora!tsdiag!ka2qhd!w2vy@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Thomas A Moulton RATS Clifton NJ)
- Subject: Thoughts from a prospective ham
- Please do not let what you see on the NEWS-groups discourage you, this is
- a totally different world from being on the air.
- If you were to listen (watch) the evening NEWS you would then not want to
- venture outside, all they do is talk about the BAD things...
- There are many areas of the bands that are a bit boring after a while, but there
- is a lot out there to enjoy!
- Also remember that more often than not people like to flame and argue at
- each other on news groups...
- I would compare this news group to others and I think you might see that
- there is a fair percentage of good stuff here...
- And as with any ongoing discussion there are many horses that get beaten
- to death... like the code wars... you were not seeing us at our best...
- it's a very emotional topic...
- besides a very very small percentage of hams are represented here...:>
- 73, Tom, W2VY
- --
- Life is too short to be mad about things.
- Thomas A. Moulton, W2VY Packet: w2vy@kd6th Voice: 145.190 (r)
- (201) 478-7919 uucp: rutgers!petsd!tsdiag!ka2qhd!w2vy
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 14 Oct 89 14:12:15 EDT
- Subject: TUVA SSR on 15M (RA0/UA9YX)
- Date: Fri, 13 Oct 89 10:29 EDT
- From: Ed Schwalenberg <Ed@ALDERAAN.SCRC.Symbolics.COM>
- Subject: TUVA SSR on 15M (RA0/UA9YX)
- In article <TUVA SSR on 15M (RA0/UA9YX)> from <Ed@ALDERAAN.SCRC.
- Symbolics.COM> on <Fri, 13 Oct 89 10:29 EDT>:
- > I contacted a station on 15M last night (10pm ET) from the TUVA soviet
- >republic.
- > It was RA0/UA9YX on 21295 kHz.
- > This is the first time I've heard this area of the Soviet Union on Ham
- >Radio.
- > Perhaps others may be interested. (B T W Tuva is the geographical centre of
- > Asia)
- >There was a very funny show on PBS (I think it was Nova) about Richard
- >Feynmann of the Feynmann Lectures on Physics. He decided to try to visit
- >Tuva, because as far as he could tell no Westerner had ever been there.
- >Unfortunately, in the pre-glasnost era, that proved impossible.
- I was curious about the "TUVA SSR" and so looked it up in Encyclopaedia
- Britannica. Here is what I found:
- Correct name: Tuva Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
- (or Tuva A.S.S.R.). Note that it is *not* a Union republic but part of
- the R.S.F.S.R., or Russia (loosely speaking) , which is itself a
- federated republic. All Union republics have the (theoretical) right of
- secession; autonomous republics do not. A.S.S.R.'s are administrative
- divisions based on nationality, somewhat different from oblasts.
- Some history of the Tuva A.S.S.R.:
- Part of the Chinese Empire until 1911
- 1914: Russia took country under its protection after fomenting a
- separatist movement
- 1921: Independence declared: Tanna Tuva People's Republic
- 1944: Annexed by the U.S.S.R., made an autonomous oblast of the
- R.S.F.S.R.
- 1961: Status raised to A.S.S.R.
- Richard B. Langley E-mail: LANG@UNB.CA or SE@UNB.CA
- Assoc. Prof. Phone: (506) 453-5142
- Geodetic Research Laboratory Telex: 014-46202
- Dept. of Surveying Engineering FAX: (506) 453-4943
- University of New Brunswick
- Fredericton, N.B., Canada
- E3B 5A3
- ------------------------------
- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #769
- **************************************